Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Why You May Need Foundation Repair

You may have found that suddenly you have cracks in the foundation of your house, or windows and doors in the house are not closing properly. If you are experiencing these issues, you may be in need of foundation repair. Check out foundation repair Austin.

You should have a construction contractor come and inspect your foundation to determine the cause of any sinking or moving of your foundation. It could be caused by underground water, moving earth, or minor earthquakes. In some areas of the country sand based and clay based soil can move, or expand and contract due to changing moisture content.

The problem is solvable however, as an excavation can be made at the spot of the sinking of the foundation, and your foundation can be shored up with pillars. 

The pillars are inserted under the problem areas and are based upon concrete or steel foundations below, or on bedrock if it is present. The pillars can then be jacked up to raise the level of the foundation to its original levels.

If the pillars are situated strategically so that they can support multiple areas, then the house can be leveled to a very stable state. This is a common recipe for successful salvation of a home that is in the process of this experience.

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